Minggu, 31 Januari 2010

It’s a Day Left!

It’s 26 hours left towards my first lecture in second semester. I’m now in Depok preparing everything to head off the next full lecture days; I actually take 23 SKS for this semester, but it takes schedule as if I had 26 SKS. Fuh! That’s ok, I’ll get more benefit however. Apart from my days as a university student, I also accustom myself with the recent new status: in a relationship; I’m trying to be a good boy for my girlfriend. I know it’s said to be somewhat difficult due to distance reason —I’m here in Depok while she’s there in Garut—, but I’ll do my best for her in any ways.

Fuh, this semester will be filled by huge busy days of both lectures and organization activities. I once thought there would be much ‘garbaging’ time as what my seniors ever told, but it actually seems to be so far away from that the term of ‘heaven’. That’s ok, I’ll be busy for many things I love: lectures, Kastrat BEM FISIP UI, and other—which is still— tentative communities. I’ll not forget my ‘Delilah’ in Garut of course.

I’m told that it’s gonna be different to be a university student; for having both lectures and activities in huge portion. Yap, and both are important for me. It has not been obvious, for me, as a freshman, the role of academics for actual life in fact I know I have to do something for people who subsidise me at least Rp 12.250.000 per semester (I was told that the operational fee of each student in University of Indonesia for a semester comes to Rp 17.250.000 while I pay only five million rupiah). Thus, I think my satisfying GPA isn’t enough for feedback of what they defrayed me here. I get to do some concrete however. Anyways, it merely doesn’t mean I disparage academics, it’s as significant as diet for our body. I once red that there was clear distance between literature theories and actual field, but I disagree for hierarchy. Both has it’s own dimension. Therefore, I resolutely target higher GPA and high intense activism for next semester. Amin.

Oke, it’s only about a day left this holidays end. Thanks God, for many great experiences I went through yesterday, I beg Your Hidayah and Inayah henceforth. Amin. For Farihah, I love you, I hope this would bring much progression for us. Good luck for your examinations and all, there. For all, let’s undertake great life, make many things, changes, and benefit for our world.

Sabtu, 30 Januari 2010

She’s Vivacious Part II

—Bandung, Jan. 30, 2010 (05 : 08) It’s four hours before Depok departure. I’ve not packed anything to carry yet for not wanting missing the beautiful last dawn in home; I love this home at dawn specially. So I’m filling this beauty with writing; it’s exotic.

For the Vivacious,

How’re you going there? Hoping to be fine in whatsoever your days are. Yeah, I know you recently have many examinations to undertake in this last months of junior high school−or Tsanawiyah. It’ll be somewhat hectic for facing five kinds of test however, but just be tranquil; you’ll have great unforgettable happiness at the time the stuffs passed. ^_^ I did, when I was at your level. Hoping everything would go well, good luck.

It’s turned into some new Vi, only a short after we got the relationship. I can’t describe how, but it’s positive. I feel some vivacity, and so do you, don’t you? It’s normal. However, that vivacity isn’t main reason intended in what something you and me considered to be useless before (I was in your stance about the relationship). We have some intention so that it’ll not go like garbage.

I purely want to make some positive change with this in whatsoever the way we have. Some people might think to be difficult for distance reason, but I don’t. It’s not dating or whatever the stuff they say about getting relationship we mainly expect, it’s progression we intend to make. I and you have agreed for this by the time we decided to go together. “the positive relationship might be if the ‘he’ could bring the ‘she’ to the positive way, and so does the she”, I said then. So Vi, I do believe we, you and I, can make that progression. Just in simple way, not to be so serious anyway.

I promise I’ll get to Garut someday so we can meet there to share many things and implement our plan of souvenir tradeoff. Insya Allah.

Oke, I get to start preparing everything for Depok departure. We’ll go on later. Good luck for your examinations ya, make some success then. See you, Vi.



Rabu, 27 Januari 2010

SMART UI: Garut's Iron Stock

I just came home after a hectic week working in Garut for SMART UI Goes to School (SGTS) 2010. It was very tiring moment for both physic and psychology. That was ok, as I got so much fun among that crowd however. Also I got precious lesson about being energetic and vivacious anyways. It was awesome!

Garut, I just left that place for a semester or so, and this month is my first visit afterwards. The highway I initially passed in that small town reminded me to my adolescence undertaken in Islamic boarding school. I ever lived here, in which fraternity and togetherness were above all, in which I spent my teen-age tales; love, deliquencies, and all. However, I no more visited this city as a naive plain high school boy. I’m now a university student with different view at the time I got the gate of that city of dodol.

My first come was colored by anxiousness. Garut is a city enriched by various cultures and resourses; dodol, orange, sheep, gas, and tourism. There were so many potencies to be explored for people welfare. However, I see the inhabitants aren’t in their ideal. There’s —the overwhelming problem actually— poverty, traditionalism, and deep myth grow prosperously. I once visited Situ Bagendit and went a raft up crossing the lake. It spent Rp 30.000 for a turn. When my Dad offered some lower, the employee said that he had only Rp 5.000 from the fee, and the rest must be given to his boss who wasn’t Garut person. Wow! He got far more lower for the ‘property’ he had than alience. I got many stories about primitivism like Kampung Naga, Kampung Duku, etc. I wonder their education access that must be very low. Also myths and all the irrational fiction spread widely to every corner of that city. It’s not Padjajaran Kingdom anymore, it’s now modern age, I said.

I thought the main problem was Garut’s lack access of imformation, given that stuff is crucial for progression in this era. Distance could be reason for previous time, but it’s not available anymore for today borderless world. Our Dads probably had less chance to be like us—to be student in outstanding university, so they also had little information to share with their little brothers and peers. Now the situation is absolutely different. Garut has many sons spred around the world. They are now in many prestigious universities like ITB, UI, UGM, and some foreign institutions. Here we are!

I think it’s now the time to reform Garut towards modern age. I didn’t say to change the cultures, as they are our fundamental. It’s the spirit of modernization we have to overspread to every point in this diamond city through information and event establishment. And we, the Silaturahim Mahasiswa dan Alumni Garut UI (SMART UI) are part of those who have the duty.

We actually have done great job through yesterday SMART UI Goes to School (SGTS), but it still needs many more for reformation. I belive, we, although only a little part, can implement that great change. I remember Mr. Juwono Sudarsono, the former minister of defence and security once said that a 80% of people is influenced by 20%. So, the 20%, it’s time to show up Garut in this nation stage.

I’m glad to work in SMART UI, and impatiently wait for other incredible ideas for Garut progression. Hidup Mahasiswa!

Kamis, 21 Januari 2010

Daftar Mosi Debat SGTS 2010

Kepada semua peserta lomba debat SGTS 2010, ada spesifikasi mosi yang bisa dilihat di bawah ini:

1. Rencana diberlakukannya UN sebagai standar masuk PTN tahun 2012.
2. Lokalisasi prostitusi di daerah-daerah di Indonesia.
3. Perbanyak jumlah SMK dari SMA dengan perbandingan 60:40.
4. Indonesia memerlukan hutang luar negeri.
5. Kebebasan melakukan operasi ganti alat kelamin.
6. Efektivitas kinerja 100 hari menteri yang berasal dari parpol.

1/8 final
1. Efektivitas penyelenggaraan Pilkada di Indonesia.
2. Pro kontra RUU penyadapan: kewenangan penyadapan oleh KPK.
3. Nuklir sebagai energi alternatif.
4. Kepolisian RI berada dibawah presiden secara lansung.

1. Pemberlakuan UU BHP: liberalisasi pendidikan
2. Pelarangan budaya daerah yang terkait pornografi dan pornoaksi.

Semi final
1. Pelarangan film Balibo.
2. Pengakuan negara Indonesia terhadap pasangan satu jenis kelamin

Final perebutan juara ke-3
1. Pemberlakuan Hukum adat.
2. Pelaksanaan sekolah inklusi di Indonesia.

1. Kebebasan berekspresi di situs jejaring sosial (twitter, facebook).
2. Pengangkatan wakil menteri di Kabinet Indonesia Bersatu jilid II.

Iqbal Pirzada
PJ Debat SGTS 2010

Sabtu, 16 Januari 2010

Note at 'Garbage Time'

It’s ‘garbage time’* now. I have still two hours before going Depok registering for BEM FISIP UI and being present at PA consultation. I’ve filled this week with hectic jobs in which I got to go through extreme round trip of Bandung-Depok-Garut. It’s oke, I had so much fun in those however.

Nowadays I experience great happiness my life ever (wow!). It’s not because of broading, winning a million dollar lottere, or being accepted by ‘Delilah’. It’s only because some simple stuff: motivation. For the last semester, at the time living in University of Indonesia, I soused myself in the dark pool of stress, problem, inconfidence, and all the complexity. I’ve lived under great pressure at all. Actually I was conscious having sparkle at academic stuff, but I consider it as useless. So I could just looking at the greatness of my peers who have tremendous achievements while I let myself so silent. What an embarrassing!

Recently I read motivation book much. Getting many encouraging wisdom, I know how great potency a man has. Looking at my flashback, I can see how stupid I was. I’ve practically spent all my time only to groan and mourn over my (considered) unjustice life. I accused everyone; my friends, my brothers, my parents, and even God! Huh, what a chaos life I went through! I can’t tell why however.

Now I realize that a man as if could do everything (according to human view, not that of God). I was beaten by Napoleon Hill, Roosevelt, Einstein, and other historical figures. As if they modeled in me with their words “Wake up, notable!’.

Now I see how great my potency is. I started learning guitar, badminton, football, and everything I ever did before. I won’t be silent again, I won’t be loser again.

Actually I have so much to tell here, but there are many things to do right now. See you.

*Garbage time is term used to exerted by IR studet of UI which refers to the jobless time so the one in that condition is assumed as garbage.